Christian Grandparenting Network

Equipping grandparents to represent Christ to the Next generation.

Our VISION is to see grandparents worldwide engaged in passing a Christ-centered spiritual legacy shaped by a biblical worldview to their grandchildren and all future generations.

Our MISSION is to is to encourage, equip, and empower grandparents to pass a legacy of faith in Christ to future generations.


GrandCamp is a unique, grand faith adventure for grandparents and their grade-school age grandchildren focused on leaving a faith-legacy for the next generations. Through purposeful activities that grandparents and grandchildren experience together, to discovering from God’s Word what it means to walk in the truth, to building a treasure chest of life-changing memories—all in an environment that invites having a pile of fun—this will be a time for building memories that will last a lifetime! We also offer a single day Grand Day Out event for churches, as well as our Do-It-Yourself Field Guide for grandparents who would like to do their own family GrandCamp.

Recent Blog Posts

A New Way to Look at Interruptions

A New Way to Look at Interruptions

It was a typically busy day at my house. I had spent the morning playing with my grandchildren so my daughter could take her youngest for an allergy test.1 I’d made lunch for my schoolteacher husband who was home for the summer. I’d done the dishes. I was in my home office working on Sweet Selah Ministries tasks, quite happily focused on my writing. “Finally,’ I thought. ‘Now I can get down to work.” My husband popped his head in the door. “Want to go for a walk?” At that moment I wanted to finish my work. However, I knew that, long-term, going for a walk with my honey would be the greater blessing for both of us.

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4 Ways to be Kind to the Grandparent You Know Best

4 Ways to be Kind to the Grandparent You Know Best

Who is the grandparent with whom you are most familiar? Just look in the mirror and you will see him or her! When we think of being kind, it is seldom to that grandparent. It is so much easier to show kindness to others. We may even think that being kind to ourselves is selfish and unbiblical. 

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Helping Grandchildren Deal With Bullies

Helping Grandchildren Deal With Bullies

Growing up, I was always physically smaller than most kids my age. That meant I was “easy pickins” for bullies. It’s fascinating that in Junior High the leader of the “gang” who  bullied me most was actually shorter than me. But he was physically tough with a dominating personality. I was small, skinny, and rather shy – the perfect target. The kind of bullying I described here still happens, and it is a traumatic experience for any child. However, bullying today has evolved into something more sinister. Today’s bullying is more than a personal, physical encounter like I experienced in school. Social media has elevated bullying to a pervasive level of intimidation and shaming unlike anything previously known. Your grandkids might be victims of this kind of bullying. Knowing this, what can a grandparent do if their grandchild is being bullied?

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